How to settle the contract disputes in Vietnam?

Contractual disputes can be resolved by the following methods: Negotiation Negotiation is the process or behavior in which the two sides conduct exchanges, agreement on common interests and characteristics of disagreement and come to a unified agreement. The negotiation is without the presence of third parties. However, if the lawyers in Vietnam would be involved during the negotiation process, at the role of representing or advising, counseling, then the negotiations tend to be more effective and parties would reach agreement. Mediation Mediation is one of the options for disputing parties to end the conflict. Mediation is different from negotiating with the intervention of a third party. Mediator will help parties to achieve agreement and resolve conflict. Court or arbitration Court or arbitration: The settlement of the dispute in court would take time. The court’s ruling can be appealed. It should be noted that, per Vietnam laws, only Vietnam litigation or dispute law firms could represent the client at court. Commercial arbitration is available only in commercial-business sector. The advantage of this method is fast and efficient. However, compare with disputing at court, this method of handling dispute would take higher costs. Read more:
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