The best 21 glute exercises using only resistance bands
The Best 21 glute exercises using only resistance bands
1. Alternating Lateral Taps (1:06)
2. Alternating Back Taps (1:23)
3 Two-Way Touches (1:35)
4. Forward/Backward Taps (1:49)
5. Squat Pulses (2:10)
6. Squat with External Rotation (2:23)
7. Squat Drops (2:34)
8. Skater Walks (2:48)
9. Side to Side Lunge (3:03)
10. Wall Sit (3:21)
11. Forearm Donkey Kicks (3:32)
12. Side Plank Clams (3:47)
13. Side Lying Lateral Raises (4:02)
14. Plank Lateral Taps (4:17)
15. Wall Glute Bridges (4:31)
16. Glute Bridge With March (4:49)
17. Lying Abductions (5:07)
18. Hip Thruster Abductions (5:21)
19. Band Reverse Hypers (5:44)
20. Bench Side Plank Lifts (6:10)
21. Bench Single Leg Lifts (6:25)