What Child Is This

Barely in time for Christmas, this one was way above my pay grade, but what a joy — and struggle — it was to make! I hope the haunting melody and profound poetry of this song move you as it has me. Credit and thanks to: Juanita and her choir for their voices, smiles and robes; to Kayci’s friends for lending their voices, as well; to Joe at COI Computers for building me a machine that could handle my cumbersome editing; to Jeanne Lee for the beautiful dress; to William Joseph for his inspiration and technical advice (you must check out his work, ); to my dear mother for teaching me to love music and beauty, and for financing the drone; to God for making it snow at exactly the right time; to my lovely wife for her valuable assistance and eternal patience, support, feedback, meals, kisses and love; and, of course, to Kayci Mae, for her sweet voice, beautiful smile, and serious bravery — yes, she walked barefoot in the snow. It was 6 degrees outside. She is a tough girl. En
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