Eurasian blackcap song,Munk sang,Черноголовая славка пение,Fauvette à tête noire chant,Zwartkop zang
Eurasian blackcap, Hundvaag, April 2023 Nikon coolpix p1000
Eurasian blackcap is a gray-brown singer, weighing 15-20 grams. The male has a black hood, while the female has a brown hood.
The birds nest throughout Europe and east to central Siberia. In Norway, it is most common in coastal areas north to Bodø, but is also spread in higher areas to approx. 1000 masl
Lives mainly on insects and berries. Eurasian blackcap is a migratory bird, but there are many observations of overwintering along the coast and scattered inland in Norway.
Munk, Hundvaag, april 2023 Nikon coolpix p1000
Munken er en gråbrun sanger på størrelse med hagesanger, med en vekt på 15–20 gram. Hannen har svart hette, mens hunnen har brun hette.
Fuglene hekker i hele Europa og østover til det sentrale Sibir. I Norge er den vanligst i kyststrøk nord til Bodø, men finnes også spredt i høyere strøk til ca. 1000 moh.
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