AMERICA THE BABYLON: Daughter of the Harlot - Part 2

See part 1 here: For more info about America, the Babylon: For centuries true Christians have identified “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS“ of Rev. 17 as the Roman Catholic false church (RCC), with its false gospel of salvation by priestly religious ritual and its perpetuation of the ancient worship of the Babylonian virgin goddess Ashtoreth, “Queen of Heaven.“ In the last few decades however many have come to see America fulfilling the role of Babylon in Rev. 17-18, particularly based on the description in Rev. 18. This 2-part video shows how these views are each partially correct - how the America that emerged in 1789 was the creation of the Vatican, operating through its banking and military arm, the Jesuit Order, created in 1539 to counter the Protestant Reformation and return the kingdoms of the world to submission to Rome. To this day the master pulli
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