Bad weather has hit Italy. Flooding in Naples and throughout Campania

Bad weather continues in Italy! The Civil Protection of the Campania region has extended the current yellow warning for rain and thunderstorms on Sunday, September 24. The rains are currently causing flooding and critical situations in much of Campania. Naples was heavily damaged, with cars stranded on the roads. A critical situation has been recorded in Caserta and its province, with hail and downpours in various municipalities of the province; numerous flooding of roads, underground passages and garages, fallen trees and inconvenience for motorists. Volunteer teams, together with the regional operational headquarters of civil protection, are operating in all affected areas. #weather #typhoon #rain #Campania #flood #Naples #volcano #apulia #hail #sicily #storm #news #landslide #italy The channel lists natural disasters such as: 1) Emergency geological situations: earthquake, volcanic eruption, mud, landslide, landslide, avalanche; 2) Emergency hydrological situations: flood, tsuna
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