An Early Morning English Lesson! Topic: How to Talk about the Morning!

In this English lesson I’ll help you learn some phrases you can use to talk about the morning. You’ll learn words and phrases like: sunset, sunrise, the crack of dawn, bright and early, wakey wakey and more! ⌛ Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English you have learned! -- ✅ Support Me and Get These Members Only Perks: 😀💲 If you would like to become a member of my channel here is the link: Becoming a member at every level has these benefits and perks: 1) For 10 minutes during each live stream you will be able to participate in the “Members Only“ chat. 2) A cool crown beside your name during live streams and when making comments on videos. 3) Your name in green during live stream lesson chat. 4) You will have access to a members
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