StarWars Redemption - Trailer

Hello folks ! Star Wars Redemption is Live. Yep. Everyone waited long enough so here it is : All you have to do is create an account on artstation and get the game (you can also follow your favourite artists from the entertainment & game industry). Once you’ve got the artstation product, which is a simple text file, you’ll get a link to a dropbox folder where the game and additionnal content awaits. I’ll update the game directly in this dropbox and I’ve included some wallpapers for those who desperately needs it ^^ Why dropbox, the link and all this complicated stuff ? Well, artstation, because I don’t see any better place to showcase a portfolio piece. Dropbox, simply because free assets can’t exceed something like 50Mo, or , the demo - even being a small one - weights a bit more than that. So, a link is all I could do but it should not take you too much time to get it and start exploring levels =) About the cinematic now ! Here’s is probably the most challenging
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