Athletes don’t need fancy shmancy snobby cuisine, we need FUEL. Efficiency and facility. That’s what these minutes are about. More to come!!! (CLICK DESCRIPTION FOR FOODS COOKED BELOW)
[Song is Send me an Angel by Infected Mushroom]
Primary foods cooked:
Starchy carbohydrate sources: 15 lbs russet potatoes. 15 lbs sweet potatoes. 3 lbs Kaniwa. 1 box normal pasta.
Vegetable type stuff: 6 avocado. 2 lbs broccoli. 4 lbs brussel sprouts. 4 big onions. 1 lb asparagus.
Meat: 15 lbs ground beef. 15 lbs ch
1 year ago 00:23:28 1
10-Minute Non-Stop Biceps Workout with Jujimufu and Larry Wheels + Arm Wrestling!