All Rated Rustam Levels - Geometry Dash

I really have a lot of mixed feelings about Rustam as a creator, typically he makes good decoration that I for the most part cannot fault. But on the other hand I’m really not a fan of his gameplay most of the time, the transitions are typically very sudden and a little weird to get down, specific levels have very bizarre timings out of nowhere and its just overall frustrating gameplay to deal with usually. That doesn’t mean I don’t like his creating career overall of course, I quite like his decorative style and personally would like to see some more stuff from him potentially in the future, if he was to polish his gameplay a little better I do think he could make some very nice levels overall. Levels in order: 1. Super Mario Bros 2. Pokemon Battle 3. Telescope 4. Sunset 5. Nine Circles XII 6. Firefactory 7. Freedom 8. Cartoon World 9. Arcade 10. Pokemon Battle V2 11. Nexus 12. Machina 13. Butterfly 14. Arcade II 15. Climax 16. High Noon 1
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