PS1 Multiplayer Syphon Filter 2
Players: Norber (P1), Jimbo (P2)
Emulator: Duckstation
00:00 Rooftops
09:50 Pharcom Incubator Lab
19:00 New York Slums
Jimbo Channel
Syphon Filter 2 Multiplayer
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All Multiplayer Battles
Activated Cheats: Hyper Mode, Auto Target Lock, Instant Kneel, All items, Ammo Tear-Gas Launcher
Toggle Target Lock P1
801140F0 002F
Toggle Target Lock P2
80114114 002F
Instant Kneel P1
801140FC 0018
Instant Kneel P2
80114120 0018
Hyper Mode
80100ED4 0003
P1 Have All Items 1/2
8012A5B2 FFFF
P2 Have All Items 1/2
Tear Gas Launcher Ammo P1
3012A628 0063
Tear Gas Launcher Ammo P2
3012AB84 0063
#ps1 #multiplayer #syphonfilter2 #gameshark #playstation