Conducting a class with young army members of the city of Mariupol

Conducting a class with young army members of the city of Mariupol Military personnel of the “East“ military group, together with representatives of the Donbass Cossacks, conducted training on safety measures when handling explosive substances with young army members from the city of Mariupol. One of them was organized in the center of active recreation of young patriots on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov. During the lesson, a demining specialist with the call sign “Doc“ told the children about the rules of conduct when explosive objects are discovered, showed various models of mines and grenades, explained the procedure and safety measures to follow in case of their discovery. In the city’s outskirts, local residents encounter dangerous finds in the form of remnants of unexploded shells and various mines planted by the enemy during active military operations. Classes that introduce children to the rules of behavior when such objects are found help preserve children’s health, and oft... Source: Military Wave
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