Another enthusiastic kirtan by the great master Sripad Aindra prabhu of Sri Vrindavan Dhama-disciple of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.
“Aindra Prabhu started the twenty-four hour kirtan
in the temple room of the Krishna Balaram Mandir
twenty years ago on the day of Vijay Dasami.
Since then he and his team have enchanted
millions with their wonderful Kirtans. Aindra
inspires his team to work together with an attitude
of service to the deities, the dham, the devotees
and the visiting pilgrims. They live simple lives, and
being satisfied with few material facilities they are
able to dedicate their time and energy to the
happiness of others.
Aindra Prabhu realizes that simply by
following in the mood of the brij bhasis, who only
live to serve others, we will make rapid
advancement in Krishna consciousness. He says,
“I know that the process Srila Prabhupada has
given works because I can sense that I am going
forward on the path. Vrindavan and Mayapur are
the greatest facilities we ha
1 view
5 months ago 01:04:53 1
Sripad Aindra Prabhu Hare Krishna Kirtan | Track 185
5 months ago 00:39:35 1
Aindra of Seperation
5 months ago 00:42:10 1
Sripad Aindra Prabhu Hare Krishna Kirtan | Track 75