Danh sách di sản thế giới Unesco năm 2021 (2021 UNESCO World Heritage List) #AloAi

2021年のユネスコ世界遺産リスト 2021 UNESCO World Heritage List: Cultural 1. As-Salt - The Place of Tolerance and Urban Hospitality, Jordan 2. Cultural Landscape of HawramanUramanat, Iran 3. Dholavira a Harappan City, India 4. Earliest 16th-Century Monasteries on the Slopes of Popocatepetl, Mexico 5. Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Lower German Limes, Germany, Netherlands 6. Jomon Prehistoric Sites in Northern Japan, Japan 7. Nice, Winter Resort Town of the Riviera, France 8. Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea, Russian 9. Settlement and Artificial Mummification of the Chinchorro Culture in the Arica and Parinacota Region, Chile 10. ShUM Sites of Speyer, Worms and Mainz, Germany 11. Sudanese style mosques in northern Côte d’Ivoire, Côte d’Ivoire 12. The Porticoes of Bologna, Italy 13. The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales, U
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