And Did Those Feet featuring Salwa Lauren – ‘The Homeward Tide’

This track is from ‘And Did Those Feets’ seventh album which will be called ‘I am God of Einstein’ to be released in Autumn 2024. Being part of a four part song cycle that has the sea as a main theme, it also considers the question of who may be the first to pass away in a relationship. This is done in the hope that the listener may be nudged into considering this difficult to talk about subject. Richard Ellin has been influenced by the song writing of Paul Simon and this can be heard in ’The Homeward Tide’. He has written many pieces that have the sea and oceans as subject matter, all part of a longstanding English tradition from the classical period to Sandy Denny (who Richard thinks is one of the best!). As well as working on material for ’And Did Those Feet’ - now in its 25th year - Richard also is the publisher of Rock-n-Reel magazine. Salwa is a new singer for the band and will be featured on 3 or 4 tracks of the album. Other singers will be Ina Williams, Cecilia
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