【二米炊烟】Preserved meat 一個視頻集齊所有肉類的保存方法:臘魚&香腸&臘肉&排骨&豬肝...

※ Please click “cc“ to choose your subtitle language, which is on the “Settings“ at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). Chinese Spring Festival is coming! It’s necessary for us to eat sausages. In the beginning, making preserved meat was just a way for our ancestors to store food. Now it has become our delicacy, and it is still the New Year’s atmosphere and nostalgia for many people. Steamed cured fish, spicy sausage, fried bacon with garlic sprouts, cured pork ribs and carrot soup, and pork liver with salted egg yolk... Which one do you like best? 又到年關啦,腊味是怎麼都不能少的 一開始製作腊味只是老祖宗儲存食物的一種方法 現在變成了我們的美食,還是許多人的年味和鄉愁 蒸臘魚,麻辣香腸,蒜苗炒臘肉,臘排骨胡蘿蔔湯,還有塞了鹹蛋的黃豬肝 你喜歡那一道 —————————————————— Please subscribe to my channel if you like my videos: (如果喜歡我的視頻千萬別忘記點擊訂閱哦~) #二米炊煙 #cooking #美食 #菜譜 #做飯 #鄉村生活 #ermichuiyan #haimétkhói #Chinesefood #masak #howto #foodrecipe #Homemade
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