11th Norway Blitz 2023 Round “3.2“ White “Firouzja, Alireza“ vs Black “Nakamura, Hi

In this game, Alireza Firouzja (White) faced Hikaru Nakamura (Black) in the third round of the 11th Norway Blitz 2023 tournament. The game ended in a draw. 1. e4 e5: The game starts with a Double King’s Pawn Opening. 2. Nf3 Nc6: Both players develop their knights to the center, following the standard opening moves. 3. Bb5 Nf6: This move signifies the Ruy Lopez Opening, also known as the Spanish Opening. Black chooses the Berlin Defense. 4. d3 Bc5: White plays a flexible move, developing the bishop to its natural square and reinforcing the e4 pawn. 5. c3 O-O: Black castles kingside, completing their initial development. 6. O-O d5: Black challenges the center by advancing the pawn, aiming to open up lines and gain more control. 7. Nbd2 dxe4: White captures the pawn, and Black recaptures with the knight. 8. dxe4 a5: White plays a4 to prevent Black’s b5 pawn push. Black counters with a5 to secure their pawn structure. 9. Qc2 Qe7: Both players
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