Лечебная Музыка для Снятия Стресса, Усталости, Депресии, Негатива, Детокс негативных эмоций

Лечебная Музыка для Снятия Стресса, Усталости, Депресии, Негатива, Детокс негативных эмоций Animation made by Sunshine M4U _____________________ 📜 Message from the composer and creator: Our video features a carefully curated selection of instrumental music, nature sounds, and meditation music that is designed to help you reduce stress and anxiety, lower your blood pressure, and promote overall cardiovascular health. Each piece of music is chosen for its ability to evoke feelings of calm and relaxation, helping to alleviate the symptoms of cardiovascular disease and promote healing. Respectfully Miguel _____________________ © Copyright: ‣ Contact: hello@ ‣ Footage and images licensed (envato, storyblocks, istock, ...) ‣ All rights reserved and published by Sunshine M4U _____________________ Follow BEE Media Music and never miss a beat! ➤ Spotify: ➤ Deezer: ➤ Apple Music: ➤ Instagram: ➤ Facebook: 🌿 Discover our groundbreaking sleep solution, meticulously crafted to enhance your sleep quality: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ►All rights belong to their respective owners. ✔️ This video was specially licensed directly from the artists and rights holders.“ ♡ 🌞 To contact and submit music: duc@
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