2 minutes ago in Manchester, England! Houses destroyed, storm and tornado in Stalybridge

2 minutes ago in Manchester, England! Houses destroyed, storm and tornado in Stalybridge Storm Gerrit destroyed more than 100 homes as a tornado hit the city and residents were evacuated after roofs were torn off and large trees fell onto roads. A supercell storm hit Greater Manchester overnight causing major structural damage to homes in Stalybridge, Tameside, just before midnight. A major incident has been declared in Tameside, with 100 properties reportedly damaged by the powerful storm and debris strewn across the area. The Met Office said it was most likely a tornado. #manchester #sta...lybridge #greatermanchester #flood #storm #flashfloods #floods #rain #weather #heavyrain #climatechange #storm #tameside #news #disaster #earthquake Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports throughout the world, including: storm, tornado, flood, flash floods, earthquake, heavy rain, hail, hail storm, wind storm, climate change, weather warning, volcano,
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