13 year old boy dies 3 days after COVID Vaccine

A 13 year old boy in Michigan recently died 3 days after getting the COVID vaccine, it was the Pfizer vaccine. The cause of death is being investigated by the CDC. According to the patient’s Aunt on Twitter, the preliminary autopsy report showed that he had fluid around his heart. What caused his death? Before I tell you my thoughts on that, , it first helps to background on what myocarditis is. Inflammation of the heart. And pericarditis, inflammation of the pericardial sac. Sometimes pericarditis can cause fluid to buildup within the sac, and this is called a pericardial effusion. The first reports of myocarditis after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination involved (US) military patients and patients from Israel4,5. The Israeli cohort identified a male predominance with an incidence of 1/20,000 (men aged 18 to 30 years old). We know that the COVID vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna can cause it. But actual COVID infection is a much more common cause. The CDC has received 1,226 preliminary reports of myocarditis and peric
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