It’s Time To Talk About That MJ Scene In Spider-Man: No Way Home

Not since “Avengers: Endgame“ has a Marvel Studios movie been shrouded in so much mystery. “Spider-Man: No Way Home“ has played its cards close to the vest throughout its whole promotional campaign, teasing villains from other worlds and a brave new world for Spider-Man. In the trailer for the movie, a climactic moment hearkened back to one of the most iconic scenes in Spider-Man history: the falling death of Gwen Stacy, suggested by a similar perilous fall for MJ. That famous comics scene has been rendered before on screen in “The Amazing Spider-Man 2,“ with Andrew Garfield failing to save... Gwen from her death. Now, well… let’s just say it’s time to talk about that MJ scene in “Spider-Man: No Way Home.“ #Spiderman #Marvel #SpidermanNoWayHome Read Full Article:
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