Creation of The Month: International Dance Day

Since the April’s Creation of the Month falls on the same day with International Dance Day, our friend Blr gathered some AR dancers to celebrate the day. Look at them moves, super dope dancers! 😎 Kudos to animabyfad for being the Creation of the Month, and also to some of our friends who made it to our Highlights of the Month. Make sure to head over to their profiles on Assemblr, and dance together with them! (time to let your inner dancer out 😏) Happy International Dance Day! Let’s dance all day long and be awesome! 🕺🏻 -- Creation of the Month bulan ini spesial nih, soalnya bertepatan dengan Hari Tari Sedunia! Makanya, Blr udah kumpulin beberapa penari AR buat rame-rame merayakannya. Gimana, keren-keren kan gerakannya? 😎 Selamat untuk animabyfad yang memenangkan Creation of the Month bulan April, dan untuk teman-teman lainnya yang jadi Highlights of the Month! Langsung aja ke profil mereka di Assemblr ya, lalu jangan lupa AR-in kreasinya sambil nari bareng mereka.(nggak usah malu-malu deh 😏). Selamat
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