Why Is God Angry at Me?

“Why is God angry at me? There is no such thing as God getting angry at you. Some writings in the Torah could be misinterpreted because they speak in the language of human beings, but the upper force has no anger. It is above human emotions. It is more accurate to think of God as a system that knows everything that will happen in advance. Negative phenomena that enter our lives, such as natural disasters and pandemics, are not out of any anger on God’s behalf. Instead, they come in order to teach us how to better understand the system we exist in, and to organize ourselves in balance with that system: to become as integrally connected as the system. How can we know for sure that not balancing ourselves with nature as an integral system is the reason for the misfortunes that befall us? We see how nature is an interconnected and interdependent system, and the human being is the only part in this system that has free choice. Only we can push nature out of its balanced connection.
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