My message to Gaza _ رسالتي إلى أهل غزة وفلسطين.mp4

😔 Words could only comfort those suffering so far, especially when the whole family are blowed up, leaving behind 👶 alone without having been in this world for more than a day. Many Gazans experienced such loss and words cannot restore them from this history of assault, torture, murder. However hoping this coming alongside message will keep the unsafe feeling comforted even for a moment. Evil will not prevail 😐 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Medhurst: My message to the people of Gaza and Palestine | 🇵🇸رسالتي إلى أهل غزة وفلسطين “There are no words to express the shame that we feel about what is happening to you in Gaza; and shame on the world for allowing you to go through this nightmare. It is so cruel to see the children of Gaza going to hospital instead of school, and being bombed instead of playing and enjoying life. We are trying to demonstrate, to educate, and make the world aware of the injustices and cruelty of this criminal entity called “Israel“. Words cannot express the sorrow that we feel. You are truly such a strong and brave people. We believe in you. We are proud of you. You, the people of Palestine, you the people of Gaza, you have shown us what a homeland means to the people whom it truly belongs to. People of Palestine, people of Gaza, you really resemble your olive trees, whose roots are so deep in this land. Unshakeable. The world with all its might and weapons could never break you because God is in your heart and His words are your swords. Everyone, from East to West is up in arms about the images that are coming out of Gaza. We support you with our hearts, with our minds, and with our prayers. We are all trying to do our bit, to make your voices, your suffering, and your needs heard. We will never shut up about this genocide. We will get justice for you, whatever it takes. We know the big powers have abandoned you and betrayed you; they persecute you, just like they persecuted Jesus. But just as Jesus was resurrected, so will Palestine be resurrected. Your pain became the pain of all humankind. The names “Gaza“ and “Palestine“ thunder across the globe, as armies of people march for you. And why wouldn’t they? Are you not the Defenders of al Aqsa, and the Guardians of al Quds? Our love, our prayers, and our thoughts are with you, every moment of every day; and God willing you will emerge victorious.“
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