Donald Campbell Smashes Water Speed Record (1955)

Ullswater, Lake District. STV. Campbell’s Bluebird being towed towards camera. LV. Crowds on bank watching. SV. Bluebird being towed along water with Donald Campbell in cockpit. SV. Campbell’s wife seated in dinghy with Lady Campbell (Campbell’s mother). LV. Bluebird being towed. SV. Bluebird being towed with Campbell standing up in cockpit smiling. LV. Crowds watching. STV. Campbell seated in cockpit making last minute adjustments and putting on helmet. SV. Lady Campbell standing up in boat watching. CU. Campbell’s wife’s Bluebird earrings. STV. Campbell’s wife watching Bluebird on first run. GV. Towards and pan to back view, Bluebird at speed on first run across measured Kilometre. CU. Timekeeper’s stopwatches. GV. From right to left, Bluebird making second run along measured Kilometre. STV. Campbell sitting in Bluebird while boat is towed in. LV. Crowds on bank watching. SV. Campbell stepping out of boat very gingerly. It can be seen he is suffering from a back pain. SV. Boat being towed up as Campbell
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