show ballet by Leena Goel AMRAPALI Дыхание сандалового ветра.Гранд финал.
Grand final
“Breath of the Sandal Wind“
Master choreographer, director of the AMRAPALI ballet show Leena Goel
Soloists of the ballet show AMRAPALI:
Alexey Gatin
Romil Goel
Sheila Goel
Ekaterina Kudinova
Christina Goncharova
Anna Mishchenko
Karina Shitieva
Ksenia Smirnova
Oksana Zorina
Alisa Nikolaeva
Alexander Shilov
Arina Nikitina
Guests, participants of the “Sandal Wind Breath“ show
collective of the Indian dance “Lila prem mix“, Domodedovo
choreographic collective “Living Light“
of Tver State Medical University
4. Studio of oriental dance “Anchare“
videographer: Denis Kanareikin
video editing: Marina Vedernikova (Novosibirsk)
Sound editing: Anna Mishchenko
МБУ ДК “Химволокно“ Tver. RUSSIA