Andrew Duff: A modular synth and a modified games console from the 1980s.

I was chatting with an old friend who I don’t see very often. He knows I like messing about with sound and old synths, but when I told him I was currently using about £1k’s worth of modular synthesizer to draw shapes on the screen of a weird old games console he burst out laughing! This talk will present and reflect upon pieces of art, design and cultural artefacts that I think are important and influential in forming the basis of my oscillographic experiments since sharing instructions online about how to modify an increasingly expensive 1980s Vectrex games console. Zagreb / About / Andrew Duff Andrew Duff is a sound artist and organiser of the University of Sussex based Brighton Modular meet. Since the late 1980s, Andrew has amassed a large collection of electronic music, and collected, modified and experimented with a range of, generally, Japanese analogue synthesizers, DJing, recording music and performing live at club nights and various other events. Since completing a Ma
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