Japan’s best Wagyu Creations ? Michelin Star “Wagyu Chef“ in Tokyo

A visit to JO, awared One Star Michelin in the category “Beef Specialties“, there is only one other restaurant in Japan in the same category. Both restaurants are different from their approach: while JO feels more casual and could be a bit heavy on the stomach for female customers, yet filling for male customers, Karyu, the other restaurant with a “Wagyu Specialties“ Michelin Star, has a more spacious and esthetic feel to it, which promotes relaxation which in turn asks for a nice wine pairing. If one invites a woman, Karyu might be a good choice, if one invites a man, JO might be a good choice - Costs: 74910 yen (2 people) Restaurant Name: 上 / JO The other Michelin Star “Wagyu Chef“ in Tokyo:
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