Replica Kochli Sapphire Tiara

Bespoke replica of the Kochli Sapphire Tiara (1894), a gift to Princess Alix of Hesse, the year she married Nicholas. They would become Nicholas and Alexandra, the last of the Russian royals. They and their children were brutally slaughtered by the Bolsheviks in 1917, and buried in an unmarked grave. The tiara, along with most of the rest of the vast royal jewellery, was seized by the Bolsheviks. There are mass-produced replicas of the Kochli Tiara, but they are greatly exaggerated in size, with spikes three times longer than in the original tiara, and with different coloured stones. This replica was created by Juliette Designs, the bespoke English atelier that made the replicas for “The Crown“ (earlier seasons), “Victoria“ (later seasons), and many other TV shows and films.
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