The Future Ahead - Improvements for the further masculinization of prepubescent boys

The Future Ahead is an essay part of The Destruction Of Experience @ Evelyn Yard London, a solo show by Amalia Ulman that took place in October 2014 _______________________________________________________ Bibliography The Cosmetic Gaze by Bernadette Wegenstein (2012) Plastic Surgery by Angelika Taschen (2005) Body Criticism: Imaging the Unseen in Enlightenment Art and Medicine by Barbara Maria Stafford (1991) Essays on Physiognomy by Johann C. Lavater (1878) Testo Junkie by Beatriz Preciado (2013) Notes Bodies are just a cheap suitcase for the consciousness* taken from Genesis Breyer P-Orridge by Anna Soldner When mentioning Beatriz in page 11, I mean Preciado
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