Statue of Liberty - 1885 | Movietone Moment | 17 June 2022

On this day in 1885, the Statue of Liberty arrived in New York aboard the French ship Isere. Here is a Brtish Movietone report from 1929 showing workmen cleaning the statue. Daring workmen imperil their lives on New York Harbour’s big monument. Pan shot up from the bottom to the top of the Statue. Very good shots. Shots of the workmen on same. All in the Days Work to these Dare Devils. Shots of the workmen swinging around on ropes. You can license this footage for commercial use through AP Archive - the story number is BM448. Disclaimer: British Movietone is an historical collection. Any views and expressions within either the video or metadata of the collection are reproduced for historical accuracy and do not represent the opinions or editorial policies of the Associated Press. #StatueofLiberty #NY #Statue #Monument Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: Tumblr: ​​ Instagram:
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