The Unforgivable Sin is the Sin of Calling GOD a LIAR, which is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

This video provides a refreshing perspective on the identity of the much-feared “Unforgivable Sin“, one which continues to give sleepless nights to a lot of Christians who are afraid that they might have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit. Using scripture to interpret scripture, the video clearly explains what the Lord Jesus meant when he told the Jewish leaders that there was one sin which God would NEVER forgive, which is the blaspheme against the holy spirit. The video also explains how difficult it is for a born again Christian to commit the unforgivable sin, unless they make a deliberat...e and conscious effort to do so. The video is part of a long series of videos I am making in which I explain end-time events and biblical mysteries. Some of my previous videos are available at the following links: The Third and Final Elijah who will come and restore all things before the day of the Lord Unveiling - What the False prophet will we
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