Beethoven - Piano Concerto No. 3 | grand piano + piano + digital orchestra

John Bereslavsky (grand piano), Dobrosvet Divinodiev (piano), Teo Leonov and Anna Raevskaya (digital orchestra) Music must open the gates of heavenly beatitudes and lead people into a state of the most blissful ecstasy. That is the main aim, not just to be performed for listeners. With its finest vibrations, music unites them with the kind upper worlds from where Beethoven’s music comes from. In his Third Concerto we can hear the dialogue of gods who had entered into battle for mankind. They see a human being as the greatest value on the Earth because despite of all betrayals, falls and deviations he/she possesses the fullness of the divinity. The lower octaves are overtones of the divinity and the higher ones are the ascension of a soul towards the light. C-minor alternates with C-major... The lightful note overcomes, victory is achieved!!! 00:00 Allegro con brio 21:00 Largo 34:04 Rondo. Allegro Facebook: #score #johnbere
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