I Follow Mother Ⅰ | God the Mother

If You Want to Realize the Truth and Be Saved, You Need to You Need to Throw Away Your Fixed Ideas Just as those who believed in the geocentric theory for about 1,400 years could not easily accept heliocentrism, people are drifting away from the way of salvation as they do not believe the truth about God the Mother, which God has taught mankind through numerous evidence in the Bible. What Did Christ Ahnsahnghong Mean by Saying, “Peter Followed Jesus; I Follow Mother”? Just as the water cycle and the earth’s suspension over nothing, which were recorded in the Bible 3,500 years ago, are facts, the biblical evidence that God the Mother leads mankind to heaven is true. This is why the members of the Church of God around the world believe in God the Mother. Genesis 1:26–27 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, . . .” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. #wmscog #KimJoo-cheol #Sermon [T
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