XDA Pro Street Qualifying Round 3 - 6 Second | 220+ MPH | 650+ Horsepower Motorcycle Drag Racing

XDA - Xtreme Motorcycle Drag Racing Association 27th annual Platinum Fleet Repair Spring Nationals Maryland International Raceway April 23-25, 2021 Orient Express Racing Pro Street Qualifying Round 3 Greg Wallace’s pass DQ’d for blowing over the quarter-mile MPH cone, see it in slow-mo. Qualifying Round 3 -------------------- 1. Caleb Holt / 2. Rodney Williford / 3. Justin Shakir / 4. Jason Dunigan / 5. Rickey Grayson / 6. Kenny Brewer / 7. Jamie Lopes / 8. Jordan Haase / 9. Richard Gadson / 10. RJ Bake / 11. Chris Edwards / 12. Darion Payne / 13. Greg Wallace /... 14. Alex Moore / 15. Keith Correia / 16. Curtis Brown / 17. Gagie Herrea / 18. James Waugh 👉 Read the event report at 🙏 Video Courtesy of ★★★ Merch ★
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