TENNIS: Wimbledon tennis match (1950)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit During the Wimbledon competition Drobny beats Graddet and Gussie Moran beats Mrs Lagerborg of Sweden Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Opening of Wimbledon Championships ENGLAND: London: Merton: Wimbledon: EXT DROBNY - CZECHOSLOVAKIA Beats Grandet of France at Wimbledon 3 sets MORAN GUSSIE. TENNIS STAR. Beats Mrs Lagerborg at Wimbledon TENNIS Wimbledon once beats Graddet .. Gussie Moran beats Mrs Lagerborg of fashions etc WIMBLEDON 1950 and Wimbledon starts with Drobny beating Grandot & Gussie Moran beating Mre Lagerborg of Sweden Sport, Tennis, match, player Background: During the Wimbledon competition Drobny beats Graddet and Gussie Moran beats Mrs Lagerborg of Sweden FILM ID: VLVA2NC5INKYB3YK8E1D2225LDBRE To license this film, visit
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