Экспресс ЧИСТКА на Всех Уровнях! Энергия Света ИЗБАВИТ от ЭНЕРГОГРЯЗИ в Биополе

Any person is a complex bioenergetic mechanism. And it is not limited only to the physical body, as many people think. In addition to the physical shell, there is an energy field, which is often called an aura. It is important to understand that the comfortable and happy existence of any of us directly depends on the health of not only the physical body, but also on the state of the aura. Negative emotions, conflicts, stresses accumulate like dirt in your energy, poisoning the body. They cause illnesses, accidents and other problems. Recently, we have become accustomed to cleansing our physical body of toxins, but, unfortunately, this gives only temporary results, since our aura remains dirty. Therefore, I advise everyone, without exception, to go through this program of energy express purification. This is a serious and important video program that always gives positive results! Health and Happiness to all! 🎧 The use of headphones is recommended. For more great chakra
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