Cycles of 12,000 and 24,000 years leading to cataclysms on Earth | Joe Blundell

➡️Joe Blundell is a Researcher, inventor, and entrepreneur. He is the primary inventor of the . Technology. He was led to the invention after hundreds of hours of collegiate study, and nine years of independent research in sustainable design. Joe has been studying a myriad of fields for a very long time and will share with us valuable information on such questions: - What is the interaction between the Earth and the Milky Way galaxy? - What do we know about the particles that constantly bombard the Earth from Outer space? - What causes solar flares and how does this affect the Earth’s climate? - Which supervolcanoes have been erupted every 12,000 years and destroyed civilizations from the face of the Earth? - Due to what is the heating of the Earth’s core and the weakening of the planet’s magnetic field are happening? - When was CO2 much higher in the historical past? - What is the way out for humanity in times of global cataclysms? &
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