Destroying the Foil at -12 Degrees in Shallow Waters | Andy Laufer

It was the coldest day I’ve ever went out surfing. Minus 6 degrees, windchill -12. The wind was perfect to try my new JP Australia 176 Hydrofoil Slalom Board and my medium foil proto (80cm) with an 8.2 Neil Pryde EVOXII. I used my 4/3 wetsuit with 3mm shoes and 2mm handgloves. All good but my hands got cold pretty fast. The sail, the boom, everything was frozen within a second, looked pretty funny. I was scared that it would tear the sail while shifting so I jibed very carfully in the beginning. Unfortunately, at one point I forgot that I was on a foil when I was too close to land in the shallow waters - crashing at full speed into the shallow. Luckily my foil is not damaged too much and my board is ok. It was a great foiling experience. next time with much thicker gloves though. Used my GoPro Hero9black. #fam21 #GoProfamiliy Music: Sebastian Zenke, Hamburg
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