Power Shovel (PS1) Playthrough - NintendoComplete

A playthrough of Acclaim’s 2001 simulation-style arcade game for the Sony PlayStation, Power Shovel. Played through the arcade mode on the standard difficulty level. It certainly seems like an odd concept for a video-game, but then, Taito was never averse to being a bit strange. They can seemingly apply their brand of quirkiness to anything and somehow make it work, and have managed it yet again in Power Shovel - a... construction site simulation? A test-case to see how many inappropriate ways one might use a “power shovel“? I dunno, it’s better to just go with it. Power Shovel has you going out to different jobs, typically revolving around one of three activities: 1. Move from point A to B. 2. Pick stuff up and put it down somewhere else, and 3. F*** s*** up with your giant yellow tractor. I have to say, #3 is usually my favorite, but the activities here are so odd it’s hard to find time to *not* be entertained. Over the course of the game you’ll scoop
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