The Immortal Evil Gods on Earth might still be Here and can Morph

After Mudfossils and the Giants and Dragons I considered the stories about evil immortal “Angels or Watchers“. I now think most accounts that were thought of as Myths are real accounts ...mostly. Ovid and Hesiod and Herodotus Appolodorus who speaks of Transfomations of bodies into Landscape........ it is well recorded. In his Epic Metamorphases Ovid Writes.... “Metamorphosis or transformation is a unifying theme amongst the episodes of the Metamorphoses. Ovid raises its significance explicitly in the opening lines of the poem: In nova fert animus mutatas dicere formas / corpora; (“I intend to speak of forms changed into new entities;“).[24] Accompanying this theme is often violence, inflicted upon a victim whose transformation becomes part of the natural landscape.[25“ Did you ever consider if this stuff is true?
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