The twelve “concepts“ of the two-handed sword of Tang Lang Quan, as taught by master Sun Bao En. The two-handed sword is an important repertoire in the Tang Lang schools of Shandong, the Chinese region that is the cradle of style. Master Sun Bao En (from Qing Dao, Shandong) is the eighth generation of the mantis Taiji Meihua style. I thank Maestro Stefano Danesi for having transmitted this precious teaching to me. In this video the applications of the first three techniques of 螳螂 十二 字 剑 and at the end of the video the first section of the Taolu. I took the opportunity to present LK Chen’s Roaring Dragon as well as their training swords; excellent!
IT: I dodici “concetti“ della spada a due mani del Tang Lang Quan, come ce li ha insegnati il maestro Sun Bao En. La spada a due mani è un importante repertorio nelle scuole di Tang Lang dello Shandong, la regione cinese che è la culla dello stile. Il Maestro Sun Bao En (di Qing D
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