Truman And Dewey Campaigning Aka Candidates In The West (1948)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Truman and Dewey campaigning. Los Angeles in the United States of America (USA). MS Tracking shot of Harry Truman seated in car driving through streets of Los Angeles. Tracking shot crowds. MS Truman waving from car. MS Truman arriving at Gilmore Stadium. MS Tiered crowds inside the stadium. MS Truman steps up to speakers platform. MS Truman speaking. Truman’s speech “In our system the people have a right to know exactly what our two major Parties stand for on specific issues. They have a right to know who is for them and who is against them. The decisive, battle has arrived, The people have got to choose one side or another. The Democratic Party and I have nothing to hide. We feel, we are proud of our efforts!“ MS Thomas Dewey up in car in Los Angeles. MS Dewey driving through streets in car. MS Tracking shot crowds. MS Dewey in car driving through streets. MS The Hollywood Bowl with Elephant carrying poster of Dewey in foreground
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