Sri Aurobindo & the Earth’s Future - Part I : From Darkness to Light
A new and updated of this movie with subtitles is available here:
This movie, which is the first part of a trilogy, tells the extraordinary life of Sri Aurobindo, from his birth in 1872 till he came to Pondicherry in 1910, his childhood in Calcutta, Darjeeling and England, his life in Baroda after his return to India in 1893, his action as a secret revolutionary leader and finally his complete involvement in the Indian freedom struggle after the partition of Bengal in 1905, years before Gandhi came back from South Africa... Poet, Yogi, revolutionary and pioneer of a new evolution, Sri Aurobindo was regarded as the first leader to advocate publicly the complete independence from the British rule and soon, he came to be considered by Lord Minto, the Viceroy of India, as ’the most dangerous man’ in the British Empire...
If you wish to support this project and the completion of 2nd and 3rd part of the tri
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2 months ago 00:20:22 2
(1) ЦИКЛ РАЗВИТИЯ ОБЩЕСТВА - ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКИЙ ЦИКЛ- Труд Шри Ауробиндо (1872-1950)
2 months ago 00:40:01 1
Ауровиль - город, который нужен Земле (с русскими субтитрами)