JVNA & LICK - Phenomenon

New song!! So excited to share this track and video with you all! LICK and I initially connected when he did a remix of my song “Catch Me“. We loved each other’s sounds and decided to write a song together two years ago. Covid hit. We went through some shit. We procrastinated. But hey we ended up finishing it up and making a banger :) had a blast writing this song together and we are so happy it finally came out! This was my first time doing contemporary dance for a music video and it was so much fun! Thank you Caitlin Curran for getting me back into dance again and choreographing this! Thank you to my friends who were involved in helping me make my vision come to life. Hope you all enjoy the song and video! - Jana Director: JVNA & Brandon Densley DP: Brandon Densely @DNZ Media Hair & Makeup: Coma Witch @ComaVVitchMua Top: Nusi Querro Choreography: Caitlin Curran Lyrics: Linen skies Oh how fast time flies When I
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