Repeating Crossbow Build - Step By Step
The basic version consists of 13 elements. The design is optimized for 3D printing with a layer height of 0.2 mm. For reasons of strength and durability, I recommend printing all elements with a wall thickness of 1.6 mm (4 shells), a thickness of 1.2 mm bottom and top walls, and infill 25-30%. I also recommend printing at a slightly higher hotend temperature than usual. I recommend printing on glass bed to make the surfaces smoother. The 3D printer should be well calibrated (extruder steps, flowrate, first layer height). It takes about 40-50 hours to print all basic parts (depends on the 3D printer).
To build the bow you must have:
FDM 3D printer with a heatbed of at least 200 x 200 mm
About 0.5 kg of PLA filament
15 pieces of M3x20 mm Allen screws
15 pieces M3 nuts
2 pieces M3x16 mm screws with flat round head
1 piece M4x40 mm Allen screw
1 piece M4 nut
3 pieces of steel springs with a diameter 8 mm, length 20 mm and wire diameter 0.8 mm
35cm (2x15 c