Israeli troops apprehend man wearing explosives belt, destroy belt

(27 May 2005) SHOTLIST 1. Palestinian boy inside Israel army jeep 2. Israeli soldiers taking Palestinian boy out of jeep 3. UPSOUND (Arabic) Israeli soldiers questioning Palestinian boy: Soldier “What is your name“? Suspect: “Saer Abu Assad“ Israeli soldier: “Where are you from“? Suspect: “Qalqilya“ Israeli soldier: “How old are you“? Suspect: “20“ 4. Israel robot examining pipe bomb 5. Close-up of robot 6. Wideshot explosion of pipe bomb 7. SOUNDBITE: (Hebrew) Major Yoav Tzukun, Israeli Defence Force, “He reached the checkpoint, the soldiers found him suspicious, they stopped him at a distance, checked and identified an explosive device, the sappers unit arrived and blew up the belt in a controlled manner. Now we are starting to let the traffic pass through the check point. The soldiers prevented an attack, a bombing that may have blown up this evening in Tel Aviv.“ 8. Sa
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