It’s me... hihihi
hmmmm.... I tried to edit this HD video.
Dunno why the font size become bigger hahah
I tried to make different ’style’ on the editing part, coz I put the eng sub on the chi one... not sure if it’s better or not. coz the wordings are overlap kkkkk
feel free to give me some suggestion bout the editing ^^
anyway, just enjoy it and dont complain! hahahaha
*weird editor here XDDDD
one more...
if you dont like them, STAY AWAY FROM MY ACCOUNT!!! syuuuuhhhh.....
with love,
3 years ago 00:03:56 5.4K
When Harry met Santa ENG SUB
6 years ago 00:12:42 200
Bentley Ultratank. First Run. Eng Sub.
5 years ago 00:09:14 914
Dendi о новой команде! (eng sub)
5 years ago 00:19:49 239
Учим английский язык по фильму “Анализируй это“, eng+sub/eng+sub/eng/eng.
4 years ago 00:06:20 222
КУРЬЕР (eng sub)
6 years ago 00:04:10 198
#SpiritVlog: Летим на Starladder [eng sub]
7 years ago 01:47:12 2.9K
Tramontana (ENG Sub)
5 years ago 00:09:51 662
Учим английский язык по фильму “Побег из Шоушенка“, eng+sub/eng+sub/eng/eng.