BREAKING! Alex Jones assets, including Infowars studio to be sold to help pay for the ABSOLUTELY ABSURD $1.5 BILLION owed to S

BREAKING! Alex Jones assets, including Infowars studio to be sold to help pay for the ABSOLUTELY ABSURD $1.5 BILLION “owed” to Sandy Hook parents, a Federal Judge in Houston ruled today. This goes FAR beyond “canceling” someone… This is a TOTAL ASSASSINATION & ANNIHILATION to make sure he can’t even feed his family. They want to BURY him. It’s important NOT to forget this interview with Gavin O’Blennis from March in which he goes into detail about how the CIA, FBI and DOJ “cut his legs off” referring to Alex. Gavin also said that they “took his money away” and essentially FORCED him into bankruptcy by using civil proceeding, knowing he is NOT guilty of any crime and cannot be put in jail. THE DEEP STATE INTENTIONALLY SET UP ALEX JONES USING SANDY HOOK AS A PRETEXT. THIS IS AN ATTACK ON ALL OF US. Just like with Trump they are NOT after just him, he is just the EXAMPLE. Same with Alex Jones, who was their first real target. THEY ARE AFTER YOU AND ME. PRAY FOR ALEX! Source: PatriotVoiceOfficial
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