ZBrush 4R7 tutorial: ZModeler overview
ZModeler brush in 4R7 - overview on new, amazing, game-changing feature.
Time stamps:
1:47 Accesing ZModeler
3:03 Deleting Edge
3:40 Adding new lines/edges
4:15 Add new edge/line exactly in center
5:08 Spherize - converting objects to circular shape
5:41 Equalize - creating unified polygons
6:25, 7:21, 19:50, 24:52 Extruding with QMesh
8:11 Flip Faces
9:44 Copy and Move polygosn, Move with Qmesh, Applying different polygroup colors with QMesh
10:54 Controling the snap on QMesh
12:45 Bridge edge/holes